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The Story of Si, Prego! Artisan Baking Workshops

Benvenuto!(Welcome!) We are thrilled to welcome you to Si, Prego! Artisan Baking Workshops, where we are all about the art and science of sourdough bread making and the wonderful sense of community it fosters. Our team of experts are incredibly passionate about sharing their extensive knowledge and experience with you, and we are equally committed to sustainability and using only the finest ingredients in our baking. Moreover, we are dedicated to educating our students about the many health benefits of sourdough bread, and aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the nutritional value of this amazing bread.


So, come join us for a hands-on experience and discover the magic of sourdough bread making, while also learning about its many health benefits!

Get in Touch
Sourdough Bread

Nikki Lawrence

Baker/ Pastry Chef

Nikki has been with Si, Prego! Artisan Baking Workshops from the very beginning. With years of experience, an impeccable attention detail and a love for everything baked, she is excited to share this with you!

Baker photo
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